Tuesday, July 22, 2014

4 Months now

Showing a few more pictures this time.  Took some inside and the others outside so you can see the difference the light makes on how the silvers show up.  Before this I had never taken a selfie, and now every month that is all you see on my phone, pretty funny.  I just went and had my hair trimmed, my stylist is just as excited as I am to see the progression of silvers showing through.  She would have loved to cut it short so all I had was silver, but told her that she had to be on the "patience" bandwagon with me since I want to keep it long.  She and I feel that it will be another 4 months before the area that I have layered and feathered is all silver.  I am also seeing some new growth in areas along my hairline.  Guess the dye was destroying them.

Another thing that I have started doing is adding a warm grey color along with my brown to my eyebrows since more silver is showing around my face.  Still haven't started wearing lipstick, for some reason it seems silly to put it on when I am working outside, silly I know.

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