Monday, April 28, 2014

6 Weeks in

I have to say that I am excited by the little that is showing so far.  I can't wait for it all to grow in.  6 weeks down, have many more months to go.  I have been on a few websites and FB pages that are all about the journey to going gray and they have been really inspirational.  I haven't gone out in public that much yet so it will be interesting to see people's reactions.  When I have been out, I have my sunglasses on top of my head so it masks the progression so far.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

And so it begins

Well, this has been a long time coming.  I have been thinking about stopping coloring my hair for a few years now.  And finally I am ready to commit to doing it.  Enough is enough. I hate being slave to the top of my head.  Now the big question will be, can I stay the path.  I have read many peoples journey and how they handled the grow out.  Not sure which one I will choose, but I have some wide headbands waiting in the wings.

The pictures here are of my start.  My last time I dyed my hair was March 23rd.  Let the grays begin!